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Tactica Adversa (synopsis), Original, Traforetto

Tactica Adversa Original Traforetto Protoforma Expert TA Skilful

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#1 obolon_



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Отправлено 29 January 2019 - 12:23

Tactica Adversa


Tactica Adversa  is a method of analysis based on a number of inventions, which allows to forecast future exchange prices, economic indicators, financial results of companies and everything else where exists a sufficient volume of data for analysis, with stable and very high accuracy (usually above 70%, and sometimes up to 95%).


Tactica Adversa (TA) gives possibility to get a high-precision forecast of movement and to build a safe and reliable trade strategy.


TA was first introduced on 17.09.2002 during investo.ru forum. A lot of work by a group of professionals preceded this event.


To introduce unique and high-precision elements of analysis to a financial community, a form of anonymous publication of some of Tactica Adversa methods was chosen. Potential and prognostic value of this analysis is ahead of its time, meaning the manner how the unique TA technics reach perfectness in the way they forecast future movement of prices with accuracy up to the last point, will benefit you substantially today and in the future.


Anonymity was utilised to separate a public interest in TA from speculations on the topic of personalities behind the publications, thus allowing concentration on the method itself.


This is how the nickname “…” appeared which over time has become a brand by itself on par with “Tactica Adversa”.


Starting from 2003, the Tactica Adversa subject has moved to the forum “Forex.kbpauk.ru” where it was further developed. A few add-ins to the rules of construction were implemented and the initial interpretations were expanded.


For further clarity and a deeper insight to the way TA handles abstractions and principles of movements in general, with a focus on price formation in particular, the original workings of TA were published in 2004.


At the beginning of 2010 a new project - Skilful Pro – was born. Skilful Pro is a program that builds Tactica Adversa models in an automated way. 


Below you can see examples of constructions that are developed by the program and what forecasts are delivered by Tactica Adversa:






Swiss Market Index - Swiss (SMI):




The concept of model and a graphical representation of processes:


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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Tactica Adversa, Original, Traforetto, Protoforma, Expert TA, Skilful

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